Estimated Funding rate

This page will help you get started with Estimated Funding rate websocket feed

Channel: funding_rates

The funding_rate channel provides estimated funding_rate data. A snapshot message is sent by websocket right after subscribing the channel. Update message are sent at start of every minute.

 wscat -c wss:// -x '{"op":"sub","channel":"funding_rate","product":"BTC-PERP"}'
{"type":"message", "connection_id":"527e4aea-2192-4b26-be47-1e8a9b0d017f"}
// Request
    "op": "sub",
    "channel": "funding_rate",
    "product": "BTC-PERP"
// snapshot response is returned immedidately after subscribing to the channel
  "channel": "funding_rate",
  "product": "BTC-PERP",
  "type": "snapshot",
  "data": {
    "funding_rate": "-0.000061"
  "timestamp": "1724912123343324000" // nano unix timestamp
// update message are sent at the start of every minute
  "channel": "funding_rate",
  "product": "BTC-PERP",
  "type": "update",
  "data": {
    "funding_rate": "-0.000061"
  "timestamp": "1724912123343324000"
  "channel": "trades",
  "type": "error",
  "message": "given channel/product is unsupported",
  "code": 400