JUMP TOOverviewREST and WebSocket APISDKsBSX REST APIOverviewSender and signer walletsAuthentication 🔐SigningCancel Order v2API Key life cycleChainGet current chain configsgetTradesChange user's collateral modepostModify margin of specific isolated positionpostUpdate leverage of specific productpostChange position margin mode of specific productpostGet trade history of a product.getGet trade history of an account.getCollateralsGet collateral liquidation history of an account.getTokensQuery collateral tokensgetQuery tokens for swappinggetMarketGet oracle websocket assetsgetOrdersRequest to cancel an orderdeleteGet order historygetList all open ordersgetCancel multiple ordersdeleteCreate an orderpostCancel all open ordersdeleteBatch update orderspostGet an ordergetSet weighted positionspostCancel an orderdeletePortfolioGet portfolio detailsgetGet realized PnLgetGet USDC settlements historygetProductsGet the list of all markets on BSX.getGet the L2 order book.getGet historical data of funding rate on BSX.getSubaccountsCreate a subaccountpostGet all API keys of a subaccountgetUpdate the frozen status of a subaccountpostTransfersGet transfer historygetWithdraw USDC collateral to the wallet.postUsersGet user account infogetReturns the account API keys.getDelete an API key.deleteCreate a new API key.postRegister a user signing wallet.postDe-register a user signing wallet.deleteVaultsGet vault order historygetBSX WEBSOCKET FEEDOverviewConnectionMessagesPublic endpointsOrderbookOracle PricesTickerTradesEstimated Funding ratePrivate endpointsAuthentication 🔐OrdersCreate orderCancel orderPositionsPowered by Get historical data of funding rate on BSX.get https://api.bsx.exchange/products/{product_id}/funding-rateGet historical data of funding rate on BSX.